Zooming In
Politics • Writing • Culture
Zooming In is a weekly in-depth/investigative report program hosted by the award-winning journalist Simone Gao.
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October 29, 2022
Hu Jintao’s Absence from One Important Meeting Might Explain Incident at the 20th National Congress

Simone Gao discovered that one important meeting Hu Jintao was absent from might explain what happened at the Party’s conclave.

Watch here (premiere at 4:15 PM EST) 👉 https://www.zoomingin.tv/5507/hu-jintaos-absence-from-one-important-meeting-might-explain-incident-at-the-20th-national-congress/

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February 04, 2024
The U.S. Is Not Prepared to Confront China in the Taiwan Strait: Capt. James Fanell

Check out my interview with Captain James Fanell, former director of intelligence for the U.S. Pacific Fleet, on why he believes the U.S. is not prepared to confront China in the Taiwan Strait; why the Chinese military has not been crippled by the purge of the top leadership; and how Xi Jinping is still actively preparing to invade Taiwan.

His views are unconventional, but highly valuable. You can watch the full interview here:

And be sure to subscribe to this new Youtube channel of mine, as my old one has been demonetized and shadow banned by YouTube.

January 27, 2024
Xi Jinping's Authority Shows Cracks

Watch our new Zooming In with Simone Gao episode, “Xi Jinping's Authority Shows Cracks”, here (episode premieres @ 7 PM EST) 👉 https://www.zoomingin.tv/5815/xi-jingpings-authority-shows-cracks/

Don't forget to like, share and repost! Don't forget to like, share and repost! If you would like to access the video transcript and other exclusive content, please consider subscribing to our membership website https://www.zoomingin.tv/

“In this year's New Year's address, Chinese leader Xi Jinping continued to portray China as being in a very favorable situation, although he acknowledged some difficulties. He highlighted significant achievements across various domains and affirmed the nation's positive trajectory. However, multiple indicators suggest that the situation in China is far from optimistic, accompanied by a discernible weakening of Xi Jinping's authority.”

January 10, 2024
This Is Not a War or Peace Choice: Rupert Hammond-Chambers

US-Taiwan Business Council President Rupert Hammond-Chambers breaks down the key issues surrounding this election and the situation in the Taiwan Strait on the eve of this historic event.

Our new Zooming In episode premieres @ 7 PM EST on the link below 👇

February 07, 2024
Why China's 5.2% GDP Growth Is Not Credible

Beijing says China's GDP grew 5.2%, but people don't believe it. Why not? Because China's real estate market is collapsing, imports and exports are stagnating, and unemployment has skyrocketed.

But China said it has a secret weapon, what is it and is it powerful enough to save the Chinese economy? Watch Zooming In Extra at our new channel on the link above, and don't forget to subscribe to our new channel! 👉 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC274bs1zEAslTumu9wVGNGg

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January 31, 2024

This week’s Zooming In Extra: “How did Xi Jinping crash China’s property market?”
Watch it exclusively by becoming a member at https://www.zoomingin.tv/plans/membership-plans/

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An Industry of Genocide: Why China’s Forced Organ Harvesting of Dissidents Can Not Be Stopped? Simone Gao’s Conversation with Ethan Gutmann, Part 1

Watch here 👉 https://www.zoomingin.tv/5362/an-industry-of-genocide-why-chinas-forced-organ-harvesting-of-dissidents-can-not-be-stopped-a-conversation-with-ethan-gutmann-part-1/

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